Friday, October 24, 2008

Day at Pack's Pumpkin Patch

Jalen age 13- loving every min. of it

"We are having fun dang it!"

Joshua age 9- finding "the Great Pumpkin"

My Cowboys

gathering the pumpkins

The Thompson Fam

Max age 11 -He found "the Great Pumpkin"
Elizabeth age 6- loves her pumpkin!


SkidsKids said...

Cute pictures Julie. i can't believe you have a 13yr old. Wow! thats crazy. Your pic with your hubby is soooo darling!
ok holly wants to get together as well. mon or tues work for her. i can go on tues as well. can you? maybe you can take a extra long lunch break from work. let me know then we can make plans to meet up. this is great!


The Greathouse Family said...

Cute pictures! I can't believe how big your kids are! I'm so glad you have a blog- now I can be a total stalker! HeeHeeHee!

Jill said...

Julie girl! You found me and I'm so glad! Look, you've had a blog for only a week and you've already found at least two long lost friends. I'll be adding you to my "blog's I care about" list and will be checking in regularly.

Your kids are so grown up and handsome, like all the other Flandro grandchildren! Your mom was at my house not too long ago and was showing me pictures. You people are just too gorgeous!

Love Ya, Jill

Holly said...

Ok, so I have a 12 year old and a 11 year old GIRLS. Let's do match maker match maker....well in a few years LOL.
I love that pumpkin patch.
SO hey let's do lunch or something sometime! Where in Bountiful do you work? Maybe Ill stop by in my hoochy mama halloween costume and say hi....just kidding I don't have a hoochie mama costume (that I wear in public anyways ;))

Let's get together yea yea yea...we would have a lot a that song. Sorry pain pills are kickin in.